Welcome to Tutoring World

we always there for you


who we are

Ravens Tutoring is a private tutoring organisation that uses specialised tutors from various departments in the Universities South Africa and Swaziland. We offer tutoring from Grade 1 to Second year University level, in all disciplines. We also assist with NBT test preparation and intensive preparation for Matric re-writes. Our services are offered in both English and Afrikaans. We do One on One sessions at the comfort of your home, office and Group sessions before a semester tests and exams. 


We also offer mentorship programmes, Life Coaching, career guidance and career shadowing to insure that students follow the right career path and graduate in record time. We do field trips yearly. 


We offer CV preparation, interview guideline, making sure our clients confidently succeed in securing a job. We also offer business advice, education, training and consultations for those who want take the entrepreneurship route.

it's not just our

Track Record


Our vision is to produce learners that will be fully equipped, ready for University as well as to produce students that will graduate in record time, secure employment and be fully equipped for the corporate space. Producing well vast entrepreneur that will fully equipped with skills and knowledge.


Our vision is to produce learners that will be fully equipped, ready for University as well as to produce students that will graduate in record time, secure employment and be fully equipped for the corporate space. Producing well vast entrepreneur that will fully equipped with skills and knowledge.

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